Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sărbătorile Municipiului Slobozia II: sambata

Saturday was the more expected day of Slobozia's feast. The funpark was full since the afternoon so we could enjoy such a good atmosphere of celebration and party. We took a look at the stands and we also bought some things. We enjoyed some fairground amusements and we checked our marksmanship on a balloon shooting game. I won an awesome and useful prize: a birthday hat!!!

After a dinner with our favorite romanian plate: mici! we moved to the stage area. The first artist of the night was Pepe, a romanian singer and TV presenter.


Emil Lassaria and Caitlyn were the second artists. We already knew some songs of them because they are so many times on KissTV, and because mostly of their songs are in spanish!

The party finished with the Dj. We danced and sang a lot and we even had enough energy for the next day!

Al :)

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