Saturday, April 6, 2013

Seminar 5th of april: intercultural exchanges and EVS

To start the second day of the seminar Daniel and me introduced Youth in Action program and action 2: European Voluntary Service.

After a funny energizer to warm up, think like a team and get focused; we started to talk about culture, interculturality, and cultural exchanges.


We presented the concept "culture" through different activities to understand its different levels and that, further of the superstructure (the top of the iceberg: traditions, food, clothes, religion, language, music, ritual, dances... ) there is also a structure (domestic economy, gender roles, social structure, clases, status, politic model...) and an infrustructure (technology, enviroment, population...) the deep and hidden parts of the iceberg.

The participants drew cultural icebergs and they chose global, macedonian, romanian, and gypsy cultures:

Daniel and me talked about the top of the german and spanish culture iceberg, to explain our stereotypes, their origin and their true reality:

To go further in the sterotypes and prejudices topic we watched The lunch date, an american short film from 1990:

We finished our part of the seminar with a version-game of the german program 1, 2 oder 3: around the room there were 3 numbers sticked on the wall. Daniel and me asked some questions and the participants could think an answer and placed this answer in one number. If more participants liked this answer they could share the number. We listened to all the possible answers and then we gave other possibilities. For example:

- What means "in time"?
- What means "i will do it now"?
- What means to move the head from the left to the right and back a few times?

We discovered more possibilities to concepts that we have straightly positioned in our minds.
Finally Daniel and me talked about to be curious, open, tolerant, respectful and flexible; be like a sponge to discover, share and enjoy all that this amazing world has to offer:

The second part of the seminar was carried out by Yoana and Miriam. 
After we watched a funny song about sterotypes:


...we played a rol-game to suffer the stereotypes of 10 countries:


We want to thank all the participants and our hosting organization, it was a good experience to plan and develop this seminar. We hope all the participants could learn at least as much as we learned :)

Al :)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations for this lovely seminar! :)
    Keep on the good job!
