Friday, September 13, 2013

Contemporanean painters week

September arrived! We finished our summer urban camps and we came back to our routine. The kids still had a few days before to start the school so we enjoyed the last sunny days to go to the park and to do outside activities. The main activities of one week were inspired by and related to contemporanean painters.


To do a painting inspired by Mondrian we need white paper for tempera, black paper, scissors, brushes and tempera. First of all we cut the black paper in lines of different sizes to create squares on the white paper and we glued them on the white paper. 

Then the kids painted the squares with tempera, in our case we used bright colors:

Here are the results:

The kids loved to do Pollock's style paintings. Like Pollock, the paper is on the floor and we painted dropping the tempera on it. The result is always awesome, full of color and power. The kids painted mixing techniques (dropping, splashing...) from different positions and heights. I could see them experimenting with the color, the brush, the paper, their own body... to create different results on the paper.

*Craig Tracy:

We also experimented with body painting. First we painted in couples a white face and then we painted individually our legs, arms, bellies... For this we used tempera, which is so easy to put out from our skin (just with water!) *If you want to try this activity, please take a look at the label of your paint! Search for non toxic products!.

Find the artists who inspire yourself and start to experiment and create!!!

Al :)

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